Monday, December 19, 2011

Greece and Christmas

We are in the middle of our study of Ancient Greece. Students have read the background information in the World History Book from Chapters 8 and 9.  They have been working on writing a newspaper (every student is responsible for an article and a "fun" piece). We will continue our work on that after Christmas, but if you want to do some research or writing over the break, please do so! Resources for Ancient Greece are listed in the column to the right.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Information on Ancient Israel

Chapter 7 in the World History book (see right for login, password, and link) pages 202-219. 

There are also links in the Online Resources list to the right for more information...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

History, Archaeology, and the Stone Ages

The students did really well on their Geography Unit tests overall. We have begun our study of history, archaeology, and early man this week. We will spend the next couple of weeks learning how historians and archaeologists work, and some of the early parts of human history. There will be a short assessment at the end of this unit, but it will be open book, so we will not pretest on this topic. I have added links to the Resources list that may assist students in learning more at home.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I am getting here a little behind the times this unit. Usually, I update this at the beginning of a unit, highlighting new links in the resources bar, and letting you know what chapter in the book we are using as a resource.
For our Geography unit, we have not used the book very much, because much of the information is scattered. You can look at pages H14-15, H18-21, and Chapter 1, Section 2 pages 12-17. Also, if you want to see examples of the 2 main kinds of maps, check the atlas, pages R4-5. All of this is available online, go to the World History Book Login link at the top of the Online Resources list, and use the Username and Password I've provided in the top right corner of this blog page.  I am also moving up some links to geographical websites - some with games, some with cool information! Study hard for the test this Friday - I know you'll all do great!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The Renaissance was a fascinating time in really influenced the world we live in today. There is too much to talk about all in class. I have put some sites in the list to the right... EXPLORE NEW IDEAS (be a Renaissance student!). Also, lots of really interesting people...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Extra Credit

Take the coat of arms design we make for class and... make a shield, or banner, or family patent. You can make a shield with cardboard or tagboard, covered in foil or not, painted or colored, decoupaged. You could make a banner (that would fly in battle or above your home or tent) with the design on paper or even on cloth.
The amount of points will depend on the amount of work, time and attention to detail, and possible accuracy if you use the resources on the blog! Due by April 15.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Middle Ages - Medieval Times

Chapters 17 and 18 in our World History book are about the Middle Ages.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Viking Exploration

Welcome and hail! Hopefully you will best this assignment as the Vikings bested all their foes. Use the paper handed out to you to explore the world of the Vikings on the Internet. Be sure to complete your packet from the last 3 days first! All of the websites are in the Online Resources list... just to the right.

Have fun and LEARN something new!
You learn something every day if you pay attention. ~Ray LeBlond
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. ~Attributed to Harry S. Truman

Friday, January 21, 2011

facies carta

I decided to make the facies carta page available to those of you who would like to complete it on the computer and print it out. To find it:
1) Click here: Link to Mrs. White's filing cabinet
2) The assignment is the 3rd one down... facies carta page
3) To use it, you will have to download or "save as" onto your computer or flash/thumb drive.
4) The instructions for the assignment are also there (4th assignment down).

Remember! This is not a point and click, copy and paste assignment. Learn about that person and complete the profile based on their life....

Mrs. W

Monday, January 3, 2011


The ancient Roman civilization is one of the biggest we study all year. It manages to incorporate pieces of every civilization we've studied this far, from Mesopotamia to Egypt to China to India to Judaism and Greece. It also leaves the greatest legacies to modern Europe and the Americas. We will be working on this unit for 3 to 4 weeks. There will be a common assessment at the end, and we will work on answering essay questions correctly as well.

There are many internet sites to visit that give information about Rome. Remember to use information that is at your level of understanding, and to search as specifically as you can for the topic... To the right are a number of sites that you can use to begin learning about Ancient Rome.