Friday, December 11, 2009

Greece Unit 12/8 - 1/15

All Hail Mighty Greeks! We have begun our study of Ancient Greece. To accomplish this labor, we have divided into city-states in class. Our first task is to learn about Greek Mythology. This will involve learning the Olympian Gods, reading some myths, and becoming acquainted with some Greek monsters. Then we will learn the stories of the Greek Heroes, including Herakles (more commonly known by his Roman name, Hercules). We will compare the traditional story of Herakles Labors with the more recent Disney film version. After Christmas, we will study more about the city-states and their relations with each other, including wars and the Olympics. We will demonstrate what we have learned by putting together a newspaper from our city-states. Instructions and rubrics will be coming home after Christmas.

This is an exciting unit for kids and teacher alike! There is so much energy in the classroom. I have updated the resource links to the right for more research at home.