Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School Year 2009-2010

We will start the year with some geography, map skills, and basic social studies vocabulary/concepts to help us as we progress. ( The "how to use this book pages", and Chapter 1) Notice that the World History textbook is online (see the Online Resources to the right). The username and password are on the top of the right-hand menu also. This is JUST like the book you have in class.

We will take a pre-test next week. This will not go on your grade, but will help me to measure your growth when we take the same test at the END of the year. It will cover the highlights of stuff we will learn this year. Again, it's not for a grade now, but at the end of the year, it will help me to see the things we learned (or didn't), and how well it stuck with you (or didn't). No worries!